I have some phantom external clients I can't get r...
# server
I have some phantom external clients I can't get rid of in 0.14.1. I was ssh'd into a node acting as a ingress gateway using its netmaker address. I ran the apt upgrade to go from 0.14 to 0.14.1 and of course lost the connection after 0.14 was uninstalled during the process 🤦‍♂️ . After reconnecting and completing the upgrade, I had to reenable the ingress gateway, whereupon I could see the four external clients I had added but they no longer functioned. Now I can't delete, download or view the QR codes. They are just taking up IP addresses on the network. Any way to manually remove these?
We've had several users report this issue, but have been unable to replicate on our own setup. Are you able to provide any more details about how this happened? It sounds like during upgrade, somehow the Ingress Gateway was "unset" without you doing anything, is that correct?
Yes, I lost the ssh connection during the upgrade and I assume this left the ingress gateway in an incomplete state. If I remember correctly, I think I ran the join command again because my ingress node was missing in the webUI. After (re)joining, the node was visible with the settings retained (listen port, udp hole punching off), but the ingress gateway was no longer enabled. I re-enabled it and saw the now non-functioning external clients still listed but unremovable via the webUI. That's all the things I did, as well as I can remember.
To be clear, I lost the ssh connection because I was using the netmaker IP (or maybe even the dns name) during the netclient upgrade
gotcha, so you were SSH'ing over the private address, which got wiped during upgrade, correct?
interesting, I'll have to try to replicate this