Hi :> I think it could be nice if netmaker had som...
# welcome
Hi :> I think it could be nice if netmaker had some "firewalling" buildin. Fx. When creating a Egress Node, it could be nice if it was possible to specify what traffic should be allowed to be forwarded between the wireguard network and the external network. It would also be awesome if it was possible to "push" firewalls to alle nodes in the mesh network. I'm aware of ACL and PostUP/PostDown, but this is not what I have in mind :> Managing firewall rules via postUp/postDown would be cumbersome :>
You're welcome to write something up that outlines the design and submit it in the "requests" channel. This definitely needs more details about how you imagine this working.
Cool 🙂 I was a bit curious about if this is already in the roadmap of netmaker or if it's outside the scope of netmaker ?
It's not roadmapped but it's also not necessarily out of scope. It sort of depends on what you mean by firewall rules. We could apply simple iptables rules across linux machines, for instance, but something more advanced may be out of scope.
Applying simple iptables rules is exactly what I have in mind. I'll write an outline and submit in the requests channel :>
cool, I cant guarantee it's anything we'd get to any time soon, but we can at least add it to the roadmap. We're always looking for contributions as well.
alrighty then, cool 🙂