error broker port is blank - upgrading from 0.14.1...
# client
error broker port is blank - upgrading from 0.14.1 to 0.14.2
wondering if i missed a step on the upgrade? I updated my netmaker & ui docker images to v0.14.2 all my 0.14.1 clients were still happy
so then i upgraded one netclient to 0.14.2 that one could not check in... giving an error
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netclient[59819]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 14:25:12 error publishing ping, mq setup error error: broker port is blank
it should fallback and retrieve the port if you give it a few minutes
you may have to wait for a couple of minutes for the client to do a pull
i noticed that the
had this block
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    corednsaddr: ""
    apihost: ""
    apiport: ""
    clientmode: ""
    dnsmode: ""
    version: v0.14.2
    mqport: ""
    server: broker.netmaker.MYDOMAIN
or you could do a manual pull
hmm... ok, i'll try another node to verify that ... i worked around on this node my manually setting the port
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# netclient pull -v

[netclient] 2022-06-02 19:41:46 No network selected. Running Pull for all networks. 

[netclient] 2022-06-02 19:41:46 Error pulling network config for network:  family 

 Post "https:///api/nodes/adm/family/authenticate": http: no Host in request URL 

[netclient] 2022-06-02 19:41:46 Error pulling network config for network:  main 

 Post "https:///api/nodes/adm/main/authenticate": http: no Host in request URL 

[netclient] 2022-06-02 19:41:46 register at https:///api/server/register 

[netclient] 2022-06-02 19:41:47 restarting netclient.service 

[netclient] 2022-06-02 19:41:48 reset network and peer configs
and my systemd logs for the netclient unit:
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Jun 02 19:43:53 tunnel netclient[143179]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 19:43:53 initializing network main

Jun 02 19:43:53 tunnel netclient[143179]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 19:43:53 netclient daemon started for server:  broker.netmaker.MYDOMAIN

Jun 02 19:43:53 tunnel netclient[143179]: 2022/06/02 19:43:53 could not read client cert/key tls: private key does not match public key
interesing that your certs/key got out of sync... bute force way to recover ... on sever delete files in /root/certs and restart docker containers
btw, i can totally work around this... just trying to highlight the issue and see if there are "best practice" steps for the upgrade and/or the move from port 8883 to 443
@bored-island-21407 I wonder if the change I made to retrieving the broker address resets the whole server section of the config. That would explain it
but I dont think I did that...
no ...
@jolly-london-20127 that sounds promising,... because here's a node that's still on 14.1
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    corednsaddr: ""
    accesskey: SOMESTUFF
    server: broker.netmaker.MYDOMAIN
    api: api.netmaker.MYDOMAIN:443
when i was testing the upgrade scenario prior to release this am ... i did the same steps .. it took awhile but the node eventually recovered
i'm going to downgrade aclient and try to reproduce this
it may be an issue of doing too much to it before it has a chance to recover automatically
when you attempt to reproduce, please try leaving the client for ~5min to see if it's able to reset its configs automatically
will do.... I'm keeping one node in known good state from 14.1 another in my broken state on 14.2 and reverting a broken one to 14.1
the revert was successful, though i had to manually put back the
server: api:
field as it was before... then a
netclient pull
was good and that node is communicating fine with broker again on 8883
what os are your nodes running?
so to recap the steps here... My docker-compose was on 0.14.1 and thus did not have an MQ_PORT set... 1) upgrade docker-compose netmaker/ui to 0.14.2 (do NOT setup mqtt over traefik, just using bare 8883 port, still, no MQ_PORT) 2) (linux node) systemctl stop netclient 3) (linux node) wget to /sbin/netclient , chmod 755 /sbin/netclient 4) (linux node) systemctl retart netclient; journalctl -f -u netclient
now i'm watching
most are linux (ubuntu 22.04 servers and one fedora desktop) ... plus one windows machine, but i've only been troubleshooting on linux because its easier for me
🥂 you did see my avatar, right
yes 🙂 i was ashamed to tell you about the windows box
ok, i don't think this will recover
pasting logs and config to show why
did you add an MQ_PORT in the env for netmaker
but it should default to 8883 if it isn't set
that's what i figured... i'm effectively trying to do what was in the announcment > If you'd like to keep your existing Caddy proxy, you can just update the images to 0.14.2 and run as-is (with port 8883).
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Jun 02 15:10:50 MYNODE systemd[1]: Started netclient.service - Netclient Daemon.
Jun 02 15:10:50 MYNODE netclient[71487]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 15:10:50 initializing network family
Jun 02 15:10:50 MYNODE netclient[71487]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 15:10:50 started daemon for server  broker.netmaker.MYDOMAIN
Jun 02 15:10:50 MYNODE netclient[71487]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 15:10:50 netclient daemon started for server:  broker.netmaker.MYDOMAIN
Jun 02 15:11:20 MYNODE netclient[71487]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 15:11:20 unable to connect to broker, retrying ...
Jun 02 15:11:20 MYNODE netclient[71487]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 15:11:20 unable to connect to broker error: broker port is blank
Jun 02 15:11:50 MYNODE netclient[71487]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 15:11:50 local port has changed from  42624  to  41916
Jun 02 15:12:20 MYNODE netclient[71487]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 15:12:20 unable to connect to broker, retrying ...
Jun 02 15:12:20 MYNODE netclient[71487]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 15:12:20 could not publish local port change
Jun 02 15:12:50 MYNODE netclient[71487]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 15:12:50 unable to connect to broker, retrying ...
Jun 02 15:12:50 MYNODE netclient[71487]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 15:12:50 error publishing ping, mq setup error error: broker port is blank
Jun 02 15:12:50 MYNODE netclient[71487]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 15:12:50 running pull on family to reconnect
Jun 02 15:12:50 MYNODE netclient[71487]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 15:12:50 could not run pull on family, error: Post "https:///api/nodes/adm/family/authenticate": http: no Host in request URL
Jun 02 15:12:50 MYNODE netclient[71487]: [netclient] 2022-06-02 15:12:50 checkin for family complete
i'm not sure where, but sometime in that period... my
changed from having
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    corednsaddr: ""
    accesskey: ""
    server: broker.netmaker.MYDOMAIN
    api: api.netmaker.MYDOMAIN:443
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    corednsaddr: ""
    apihost: ""
    apiport: ""
    clientmode: ""
    dnsmode: ""
    version: ""
    mqport: ""
    server: broker.netmaker.MYDOMAIN
which is why there's no api hostname to pull from
so pulls fail
i'm going to try setting
MQ_PORT: "8883"
in my docker-compose and then re-attempt the upgrade
same results
hmmm , well that is a scenario I didn't test ... i did all my testing with traefik rather than caddy but i am a bit baffled as to the root cause of the issue
yeah, i don't think it's a traefik/caddy related issue
it seems to be related to the model change of the config file for netclient 14.1 vs 14.2
and in my case ... it's traefik -> traefik, 14.1 -> 14.2 , but not even changing the MQ port
and i can confirm, if i wipe out the /etc/netclient/config/* for my node, and manually delete it from netmaker-ui i can cleaning join a 14.2 netclient
that's why i think it really seems to be a problem in the client config upgrade
your compose files has SERVER_API_CONN_STRING?
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      SERVER_NAME: "broker.${NM_BASE_DOMAIN}"
      DNS_MODE: "on"
      API_PORT: "8081"
      CLIENT_MODE: "on"
      DISPLAY_KEYS: "on"
      DATABASE: "sqlite"
      NODE_ID: "netmaker-server-1"
      MQ_HOST: "mq"
      #MQ_PORT: "443"
      HOST_NETWORK: "off"
      VERBOSITY: "1"
I am trying to determine where the api is getting set to blank
this is my netclient config on the clean 14.2 install
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    corednsaddr: MYIP
    apihost: api.netmaker.MYDOMAIN:443
    apiport: "8081"
    clientmode: ""
    dnsmode: "on"
    version: v0.14.2
    mqport: "8883"
    server: broker.netmaker.MYDOMAIN
ok, i have a workaround at least
ok i have a 14.1 client connected to a server running the test build (aka 14.2)
I am going to update the client
manually add
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apihost: api.netmaker.MYDOMAIN:443
    apiport: "8081"
to the
section of the netclient-netname config file in /etc/netclient/config/ then
netclient pull -v
and the node started working for me again
(i'm not sure if apiport was needed)
i'll confirm
it should not be
yeah, i didn't think so
yeah, 0.14.1 expected
server: api: HOSTNAME_OF_NETMAKER:443
and 0.14.2 expects
server: apihost: HOSTNAME_OF_NETMAKER:443
so that's why that bit is broken...
i'm guessing
yes I remember that being changed but i thought we had a recover in place
ok, well, good luck... i gotta get back to my actual job 😉 if i can help test something specific, let me know
will do ... thanks a bunch for helping with this ( and for the traefik stuff)
my pleasure
I tried adding apihost: api.netmaker.MYDOMAIN:443 to the netconfig- file, and the pull on the client worked, but the status still shows error...saw in the docker logs mq "sslv3 alert bad certificate" so I tried wiping the certificates in /root/certs/ on the server and restarted...but now I get no new certs at all in there? 🤔
Restart the netmaker container
I did
Netmaker will gen certs on startup if they are missing
Ok, but they're not in the /root/certs folder :/
Hmm, I saved my old docker-compose.yml before changing to the docker-compose.traefik.yml. In the old the mq volumes look like
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      - /root/mosquitto.conf:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf
      - /root/certs/:/mosquitto/certs/
      - mosquitto_data:/mosquitto/data
      - mosquitto_logs:/mosquitto/log
in the new traefik based one:
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      - /root/mosquitto.conf:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf
      - mosquitto_data:/mosquitto/data
      - mosquitto_logs:/mosquitto/log
      - shared_certs:/mosquitto/certs
is that relevant?
In that case you need to delete them from the shared certs docker volume
Thanks, looks like that solved it.. But why was the volume for certs changed? 😄
It was a community submitted PR
Ah. the certs are maybe less prone to be accidently deleted that way.
Time to sleep, will continue to fiddle with this tomorrow 😄
the docker-compose yaml files provided are really intended to be a guide, not a production solution... specifically related to the volume definitions...
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  traefik_certs: {}
  shared_certs: {}
  sqldata: {}
  dnsconfig: {}
  mosquitto_data: {}
  mosquitto_logs: {}
this isn't a recommended way to actually do volumes in docker... it works, but its really more like a place holder.
at least, that's my opinion 😉
with that default config, the volumes are assigned to some location as specified by the docker daemon configuration... which, if your systems is linux with stock configs, usually means it's buried somewhere under
but it's not exactly obvious where your data was stored
i really like this method for standalone servers like the small virtual machine where i run netmaker...
you can see how i've used that in my personal repo (which has not yet been updated to 14.2)
anyway, i also should apologize... I was responsible for the change of
in my contribution of the
i kept the simple default volumes to avoid complications for folks upgrading from caddy to traefik, but didn't think about the complication with respect to the changed one.
@few-airline-95046 @average-helicopter-96869 we think we've narrowed down the issue. Did you upgrade the clients before upgrading the server?
One node might have been updated before, but not the second one that i tried later yesterday night
can you share your docker-compose (before and after)? would help with recreating the issue
I can do it in a couple of hours probably
@jolly-london-20127, I see that you've released new binaries, so you don't need the docker-compose files any more? 😄
Hmm, updated to the latest netclient binary, but still seeing
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root@Cradle:/boot/config/netclient# netclient pull --vvv --daemon off
[netclient] 2022-06-03 23:08:54 No network selected. Running Pull for all networks.
[netclient] 2022-06-03 23:08:54 Error pulling network config for network:  xxx
 Post "https:///api/nodes/adm/xxx/authenticate": http: no Host in request URL
[netclient] 2022-06-03 23:08:54 register at https:///api/server/register
[netclient] 2022-06-03 23:08:55 restarting netclient.service
[netclient] 2022-06-03 23:08:56 error running command: systemctl restart netclient.service
[netclient] 2022-06-03 23:08:56
[netclient] 2022-06-03 23:08:56 reset network and peer configs
And then when trying to run netclient in deamon mode (no systemd on that machine) I get
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root@Cradle:/boot/config/netclient# netclient daemon
[netclient] 2022-06-03 23:11:55 initializing network xxx
[netclient] 2022-06-03 23:11:55 started daemon for server
[netclient] 2022-06-03 23:11:55 netclient daemon started for server:
2022/06/03 23:11:55 could not read client cert/key tls: private key does not match public key
If you already had that issue, updating will not solve it. Once the api address is missing you need to add manually
Alright, but I have already modified /etc/netclient/config/netconfig-mydomain to have apihost set to my proper api url
in my case, I'd updated the server to 0.14.2 first, let things settle... and all my clients were working on 0.14.1.... then experienced the problem when updating a client to 0.14.2
my docker compose was literally: and then upgraded by changing 0.14.1 to .2
also, apologies for my delay, i was in airports all day yesterday... travelling so not very accessible for a few days.
no worries, we put a hotfix in the release which should solve this issue