🖐️ quick question, when I add a local range to a ...
# server
🖐️ quick question, when I add a local range to a netmaker-1, it changes its IPaddress from network.254/24 to network.253/24. Any idea why?
also, idk if it's an expected behaviour (my guess is: its not)
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8: nm-mynet: <POINTOPOINT,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1280 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    inet scope global nm-mynet
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet scope global nm-mynet
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
before docker rm -f my netmaker container, the nic is addressed like this. IPaddr is unreachable. after a restart
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3: nm-mynet: <POINTOPOINT,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1280 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    inet scope global nm-mynet
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet scope global nm-mynet
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
wich doesn't explain why netmaker-1 ip changes, but why a restart fixes the ICMP
oooh is that when it does it. I have noticed it doing that before (restart also fixed it for me) but I haven't been able to point at when it does it. That explains so much 😅
cc @User it appears that I am not the single black cat around here 😄
Interesting, you say this happens when you add a "local range." Do you mean when you set up an egress gateway, or when you configure the network as a "local network"?
I just tried to reproduce it and it looks like it still works in 0.14.1. It happens when you set a local range on a network. When you do that, it changes the ip on netmaker-1 from 254 to 253 almost immediately.
It didn't log anything about it to the console
I also noticed something else. To test this, I created a network and then deleted it when done (from the ui). However, the interface wasn't removed from the netmaker-backend container. It will be there hanging out until I restart/delete the pod. Nothing in the log about it failing to remove an interface or related.
I mean local range as in this screenshot when "is local" is ticked indeed
how did you add the local range? during network creation or afterwards?
Oh, it's afterwards. I created the network just using autofill and clicked create with all defaults. The network is created with .254 on netmaker-1. Then go to networks, edit it to add a local range and by the time I get back to the nodes screen it's already changed to a .253
Local Range Issue
Ahhh ok, the local range is not meant to be set post network creation. It's only meant for if the network is configured as a "local network." Still, we either need to gray it out or have some handling in there. What are you trying to accomplish with the local range by the way @white-piano-73111 @glamorous-crowd-4515 ?
was just testing buttons and I saw something odd (namely a connectivity loss)
so I figured: report it 🙂
thanks for reporting, we may end up just depricating that feature. No one really uses it so we haven't tested it much through upgrades
it's only purpose is for if you are running a network entirely of devices inside an already private network, for instance a vlan
so you don't want any devices to use their public interface to communicate
though really the whole point of netmaker is to build distributed networks, so there aren't many use cases where all the devices will be on one "local" network
hm I think you might underestimate that feature! On a professional level per instance you can easily create network designs that rely on a single hop node (per instance if you want to virtually propagate a network between 2 lan, like openvpn does w/ bridging)
homelab wise it's nice to make that kind of thing also, but it's less roadmap driving x)
I agree, but we probably need a different design to make this work. The way it's written, all the devices need to be on the LAN, so there would be no device to make the hop. I think we need a bigger refactor / rethink of how that should look
with arp reflection (acting like a switch) you could
Pretty much the same for me. I had a netclient node in the dmz and one on the lan. The wireguard tunnel wouldn't come up so I was messing with options to see if it makes a difference. It works now without the local range option but that's when I came across it.