Configs disappear after updating netclient
# upgrades
Configs disappear after updating netclient
I'm new to Netmaker since 0.14.0 and have 9 nodes running Debian/Ubuntu. After upgrading netclient to 0.14.1 and then again to 0.14.2, I have to rejoin my network manually on each node as the contents of /etc/netclient are deleted with the update. Am I missing something?
unfortunately no.... the upgrade does an uninstall followed by install and the uninstall deletes /etc/netclient..... working on a fix
Thanks for the info! I'll backup my configs in that case.
@bored-island-21407 Pretty sure you mentioned somewhere that a potential fix was coming with the next release (can't find it now of course). Did you mean with 0.15.0 or is there a fix with 0.14.2-2?
0.14.2-2 has the fix but ......
updates run the old scripts first so .. the 0.14.2-1 script will delete /etc/netclient and the wg interfaces ...
need at least two updates to get rid of the old uninstall script
Currently running 0.14.2-1 so will give it a whirl!
apt upgrade will delete your config on updgrade from 0.14.2-1 to 0.14.2-2
Ah ok, sorry, I misunderstood. I'll bite the bullet and do it anyway!
future upgrades to 0.14.2-3 or 0.14.3-0 etc will maintain your configs and wg interfaces
Cheers! I have a simple enough network so back up and running anyway.