Yup! the fix for that is already in develop if yo...
# architecture
Yup! the fix for that is already in develop if you feel like giving it a go
I'm pretty close to having a working PR, but I think I'm running into a problem with the currently pushed
docker images not working quite right... Specifically,
I could only get a blank page... and also, I need a build of netclient which supports this. I can do some builds myself to get this PR tested, but not ready quite yet.
You can use the ui “testing” tag instead or just 0.14.1
I’m happy to test if you want to open pr tho
hah, i just realized the
docker image is 8 months out of date... no wonder i had trouble with it
Ahhh yes, use the testing tag
Welp, here's what I've got. I struggled to get a build of netmaker/netclient which actually supported the MQ_PORT, though I think I have the right things ready (though commented out). https://github.com/gravitl/netmaker/pull/1154
Thanks! Yeah I think the netclient part wont work until my branch is merged, so apologies for the struggle with that.
Since we haven't been using Traefik, quick question. Does your compose handle cert requests and renewal?
I'm guessing yes since you've got port 80 on there and a reference to letsencrypt, but just want to confirm
Yes, Traefik does that like Caddy does. A main difference is all the config being in the single docker-compose.yml rather than requiring the extra Caddyfile.