Installing netclient on Ubuntu 22.04_ 0.14.0_ amd6...
# linux
Installing netclient on Ubuntu 22.04_ 0.14.0_ amd64. Deb will kill the Internet in a few minutes and can't visit any websites. However, installation in docker is good
We've had another issue mention this:
Did you do anything special to the network (create ingress or egress gateways)? I am unable to replicate the issue.
I tested it in the newly installed Ubuntu 22.04, but only downloaded and installed it. There is no exit gateway or entrance gateway. The simplest default method is.
interesting...the issue above is also on ubuntu 22.04...we haven't done any testing with that system...i'll check it out. Probably some change we're not aware of.
After a few minutes, it turns into a yellow warning and then a red error, but the three clients can ping each other or the server netmaker
> Deb will kill the Internet in a few minutes and can't visit any websites. this is the most concerning part to me
need to look into what changes are in ubuntu 22.04. I'm guessing there's a change to the networking stack causing this issue
The version number of netclient in win11 displays n / A, but it does not display 0.14.0 correctly. In Ubuntu, the version number of netclient is displayed correctly
any issues with windows client besides version number?
After a few minutes, it turns into a yellow warning and then a red error, but the three clients can ping each other or the server netmaker
hmmm windows as well? do you know if updates are working?
usually when it shows as warning/error, it means the service is no longer running
The netclient of Ubuntu 22.04 is always good
you said it killed the internet during join. Once it comes back from that issue, it works correctly?
The DEB installation of Ubuntu 22.04 permanently destroys the Internet, unless it is installed in docker, which is good.
Restarting the PC will not resume
.Restarting the PC does not restore
From 0.13.1 to 0.14.0, it is found that: Netmaker and netclient of 0.13.1 are stable; Netmaker of 0.14.0 is basically stable. The Linux version and windows version of netclient have different problems and are not stable enough.
The only problem is the win11 client. The Ubuntu client is normal. So I think the problem should be in the Windows client. Not on the server side
what problems exist with the windows client?
you mentioned warning/error appears, and version is n/a. What else?
and did you install via MSI?
If the version number cannot be displayed correctly, it will become a warning after a few minutes and an error after a period of time. The client of Ubuntu works well
I install with batch processor and run with administrator privileges
0.13.1 everything is OK when running
0.13.1 is ok o ubuntu 22.04?
My server is running Ubuntu 20.04 and is still running. The client was running 20.04 + 0.13.1 yesterday, and everything was normal. Today, the client is running 22.04 + 0.14.0. When it encounters a problem, the network will be disconnected in DEB mode, and everything in docker mode is normal.
I hope to update the netclient of windows as soon as possible
I want to confirm the window issue, it sounds like it is functional but just not displaying correctly in the UI?
and you installed using MSI, yes?
After MSI installation, the version number of 0.14.0 can be displayed correctly
I can test the MSI installation immediately and report the results
for 0.14.0, the client should be installed with the MSI, not with the netclient.exe directly or powershell
Display correctly in the web
The version number can be displayed correctly in the web, but the warning will still be displayed
there is a log file under C:/Program Files (x86)/Netclient that should give you some info on what is going wrong
if it is a service issue
Config folder is empty, client Is the key in the home folder caused by the file storage path?
strange...there should be a log file under there...maybe an issue caused by first installing with netclient.exe
it may be under ProgramData/Netclient
The client.key Copy to xvpn CC folder, no warning.
interesting, that could very well be the issue, wrong path for storing client key on windows, will write this down
Another problem is that Gui cannot appear in Windows 11 in Hyper-V VM
C:\Program Files (x86)\Netclient>netclient [netclient.exe] 2022-05-23 02:34:02 netclient.exe is in proper location, C:\Program Files (x86)\Netclient\netclient.exe 2022/05/23 02:34:02 Gravitl Netclient on Windows started 2022/05/23 02:34:03 Fyne error: window creation error 2022/05/23 02:34:03 Cause: APIUnavailable: WGL: The driver does not appear to support OpenGL 2022/05/23 02:34:03 At: C:/Users/alexf/go/pkg/mod/ C:\Program Files (x86)\Netclient>pause 请按任意键继续. . .
we will probably not support this then
you can still use standard CLI
In Hyper-V, win11 cannot display GUI
yes, you can still run the cli, I think this should be acceptable for virtualized environments
without the GUI, like you would on Ubuntu
The same win11, In Hyper-V, GUI is not displayed The physical machine can display GUI
It should be related to the graphics card driver
does the CLI still work?
run "netclient.exe join -t " from powershell as admin
The command line works,
Please see the error prompt above
Yes I see. It looks like the fyne package requires OpenGL. We are dependent on Fyne so I don't think this is something we can fix. Hyper-V based VM's will likely need to stick to the command line
Another serious problem is that netclient installed by docker in Ubuntu cannot automatically connect to netmaker after the PC is restarted
do you have docker service configured to start automatically on boot?
Docker started automatically, but netclient couldn't connect
0.13.1 works well, but 0.14.0 cannot
shouldn't be much different for docker between 13 and 14
Thank you, this is helpful. We've had a few issues related to MacAddress validation. Will need to fix this in next release
check if client is in UI already. If so, delete it and try again
we have no "uninstall" on shutdown of docker, so it stays in server. When it attempts to re-join, server prevents duplicates
Tailscale's client is doing well. The GUI should not call special graphics card drivers or use hardware acceleration.
OK, let me try. I deleted this customer from the web and am restarting
I deleted this client from the web and did not connect automatically after restarting. Until I execute《 sudo docker restart netclient 》, you can see it in the Web GUI, but you can't Ping it. After checking, it is found that UDP punching is off, not on by default. OK, I can ping
These problems do not exist in 0.13.1
the upgrade itself may have been the issue, that seems to be the problem with the user in the above issue as well
try downgrading the existing docker image to 0.13.1, it will likely have the same problem
if so, we need to work on our upgrade and restart process for docker
This time it lasted a long time, but there was still a yellow warning. But I'm not sure if there will be a red error later
It is a netclient installed with MSI and windows 11