In your installation Guide (https://docs.netmaker....
# general
In your installation Guide ( you mention that CloudFlare has limitations on subdomains. What exactly is the limitation? I'm not using the CloudFlare Proxy.
users have noted that using multiple subdomains (e.g. broker.netmaker.mydomain) wont work by default, but that a single subdomain will (e.g. broker.mydomain)
I don't use cloudflare so just wanted to point that out as a potential limitation
in a separate issue, users have noted limitations around gRPC with cloudflare. However, we stopped using gRPC so that should be fine now
It seems that this only applies if using the Cloudflare Proxy, because if you disable it CloudFlare only acts like a normal nameserver. No certs, nothing, Netmaker uses normal ACME then
ok, we should be more specific in docs then