Quick question: I want to run Netmaker behind my...
# netmaker
Quick question: I want to run Netmaker behind my SWAG reverse proxy. Is it enough to change the 443 ports exposed by Netmaker to something like 8443 and then just reference it properly in the Nginx conf for SWAG? Since Netmaker and SWAG need port 443, I assume Netmaker is the one to move. Also don't need the Netmaker certs then. Any examples of this being done?
yeah that should be enough to make it work. You're talking about just changing the ports exposed by docker?
yes that should work. You're talking about just changing the ports exposed by the netmaker containers in docker-compose, correct?
Yup. Basically, I want to host SWAG and Netmaker on the same VM. Since they both need 443, will need to make Netmaker non 443 and then proxy it via SWAG (well, Nginx)
Will give it a test run tomorrow.